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Safer Neighbourhood Team Priorities 


The SNT panel meets on a regular basis to agree a priority list of local community safety concerns and issues for the team to focus on. 

Current priorities - set at Panel meeting on 5/6/2014 (notes from this meeting can be found on 'Minutes etc.' page)

Violence against Women and Girls  (This is a Met Police wide Priority)

Streatham High Road - Shoplifting and aggressive begging

Streatham Green - Anti Social Behaviour, public urination

Natal Road, Barrow Road, Lewin Road - Anti Social Behaviour, drug activity.


Read about the Met Police "Turnaround Plan" - click here


Lambeth Public Protection in partnership with the Violence Against Women and Girls Team (VAWG) have launched a survey site specific to Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) incidents, it is important to know that this site does not replace and can not be used for reporting Violence Against Women and Girls, it is solely for collecting data to assist in identifying key areas and resources required in those areas.

Please DO NOT use this site to comment on any other type of Anti-Social Behaviour.

Please feel free to share this information with anyone that travels through, visits or lives in Lambeth!

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